Here are two weird bathroom stories that I would like to grace yall with. (and if you didn’t think we were close enough for that- we just got close enough)
I moved to the United States officially when I was like 7-ish. So, this is the second grade, just for context so you get a picture of how strange this was for me.
Because, in second grade, you aren’t like new to the whole school thing, but you’re new enough.
Anyway, for like weeks I had listened to my peers ask to go to the Restroom, and each time they were permitted to do so – like “ya no problem!” All whilst little Suzy is left to wonder what in the world a Rest-room was doing in this educational setting…
I’m not going to pretend like I EVER did well on a spelling test, but c’mon guys… our curriculum is by no means rigorous enough to need a REST-ROOM. (Hopefully, you can see my confusion)
So, one day I mustered up my courage and asked permission to go to the prestigious restroom –
I’m sure you can guess where this is going…
If you guessed soul-crushing disappointment you are right, my friend. Little Suzy was expecting a lounge chair, a couch, a Poole table, refreshments… and she was let down. HARD.
Oh and just a side note- no, I did not spend my first few weeks of second grade not using the bathroom, I’m just a normal person and I call it a Bathroom.

Now for the relevant story
I’ve always considered myself pretty healthy as far as diet and habits go. Of course, just like everyone else I, too, have fallen off the wagon a time or two.
Then the other day I realized I’ve been doing, like, the ONE most important thing completely wrong…
It actually kills me to admit this, but I have been seriously depriving myself of water!
Omg, that’s like nails on a chalkboard to me!! Like, how was I doing that to myself???
I came to this realization after being a total creep and noticing that EVERYONE in my office building went to the bathroom like 3X the amount I had to go.
*Cue obsessive research on how much water a person should drink a day*
So, How much water should you have?
Some sites said 1 – 1/2 ounce per pound body weight and some said your typical 8 glasses a day. I think both of these are probably good rules to go by, but having a water goal, in general, to meet by the end of the day is really what has helped me the most!
Figure out how much water you should drink a day and get to work!! & if you want to be a psycho like me, get yourself a Hydroflask and set alarms for the times you should be due for a refill!
JUST BE AWARE GUYS! Because seriously I feel so much better than I ever have!
It’s so easy to get lost in your day and all the “important” things you’re doing, but in the end, what’s really important is taking care of yourself!!
