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All About Oral Health

Updated: Sep 4, 2021

Lets talk my must haves, why I'm obsessed with my toothbrush, my non negotiable tongue routine (YEAH), and my receding gum line. Ew, was that last one TMI…? IDC IDC It’s important!

No One Likes Bad Breath.

First off NO ONE likes bad breath. (it was worth repeating, we can all agree) And if we are being honest, brushing regularly is just simply not enough. Bad breath is caused by bacteria build up in your mouth, and that bacteria is not just on your teeth, it’s on your tongue too! Brushing your tongue is definitely a good first step, but it’s definitely, also, not the most efficient way to bid bad breath goodbye!

So, I’m not above admitting I was not the avid tongue scraper I am today before listening to The Skinny Confidential Him & Her podcast. (episode 103 go listen, you wont regret it!) But now, you absolutely will not catch me skipping this step in my routine. I mean, honestly, why this habit isn’t engrained into us from birth the way a fascination with reality TV is, I have no clue

Tongue scraping isn’t a fad either, guys, its a thing. Its been apart of Ayurvedic medicine for centuries!

The Ayurvedic reasoning behind this habit is spiritual as well, and if you are interested in learning more about that, this book is the perfect resource! I highly recommend! But the idea is that removing the film layer of bacteria off of your tongue reduces not only the bacteria that reside there, but also reduces the bacteria that you are swallowing throughout your day.

P.S. Your tongue should NOT be white just like your teeth should not be yellow!

My Toothbrush and the 411 on my Receding Gum Line

In all seriousness I should have probably lead with this because it is so important! Receding gum lines are not uncommon and are often caused by brushing too hard and using too rough of a toothbrush. Two ways to know if you are brushing too hard are – 1 – The bristles on your toothbrush for your teeth and your toothbrush for cleaning the cracks between the tiles in your bathroom look the same. (Yikes- time to settle down tiger) Actually … I feel the need to clarify that, that is an exaggeration. Your bristles should stand tall & proud just like the day you bought them! 2 – Sensitive teeth! Chances are if your teeth are sensitive to temperature, your gums have started to recede and more of the root of the tooth is exposed. The bad news is receding gums are the first step toward Gum Disease. If you are like me and the two symptoms above apply to you I’m sure you are currently thinking “F U C K N O” because that is EXACTLY what I thought! Before the panic sets in all the way, I’d like to add, there is SO much hope! First chunk the toothbrush – I’m willing to bet if you brush too hard you also have a medium to hard bristle brush. ALWAYS go with soft! just like your skin, your teeth don’t need to be roughed up to be cleaned.

For my toothbrush I use my quip! I made the switch because it really really helps me chill out and brush gently. The vibrations are timed as well which I love and I get sent a new brush head every three months. I don’t know about y’all but I think I’m actually the worst about replacing my toothbrush so the subscription thing is ideal!

The First Date trick I Wish I Had Known Years Ago

Lastly, I want to talk about this LIFE SAVING product that I am so mad at myself for not having discovered sooner. GUYS this is like reinventing the wheel level shit I’m about to lay on you & I just need you to be ready.


Floss picks are a thing, I get it, but these babies are – 1. Cute AF 2. Individually packaged for easy & discrete purse storage (a must) 3. Very oddly strong! (like I’m talking stronger than my tongue scrapping obsession) Stashing these bad boys in my purse is a first date trick I wish I had known about YEARS ago! – Because we all know boys aren’t worth a damnnn when it comes to letting you know when theres something wrong on your face, much less in your teeth! *eye roll* Like trust me, you telling me about the piece of spinach that moved in next to my left front tooth is WAY less embarrassing than getting home and finding it myself!

Wow, Wow was that a rant or what?? If you made it to the end of this post, congrats your teeth love you more already! If you tried any of my recommendations I want to know all about it in the comments or feel free to slide into my DM’s any old time!


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